Class Line

Class Documentation

class Line

Class for managing and serialising properties of a line or lines.

Public Functions


Constructor initialises a default Line type.

void setColor(const std::string &value)

set solid line colour as a string.

TODO Implement colour scaled values

See for an example of different colour scales and values available

For reference, plotly’s default colours are: [ ‘#1f77b4’, # muted blue ‘#ff7f0e’, # safety orange ‘#2ca02c’, # cooked asparagus green ‘#d62728’, # brick red ‘#9467bd’, # muted purple ‘#8c564b’, # chestnut brown ‘#e377c2’, # raspberry yogurt pink ‘#7f7f7f’, # middle gray ‘#bcbd22’, # curry yellow-green ‘#17becf’ # blue-teal ]

  • value: std::string plotly colour value, e.g. setColor(“#1f77b4”)

void setDash(const std::string &value)

set the line dash mode.

Accepts “solid”, “dot”, “dash”, “longdash”, “dashdot”, or “longdashdot” as dash_type input

  • value: std::string The dash type to use

void setWidth(const int value)

set the line width in pixels.

  • value: int the width in pixels for the line

bool empty() const

return boolean, false if any line properties are changed from default.

Protected Attributes

std::string dash
int width
std::string color
bool is_empty


void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const Line &p)

Serialise line data into a valid json string.