Class Layout

Class Documentation

class Layout

Public Functions

Layout(const std::string title = "", const bool is_scene = false)

Construct with default basic data (for test plots)

Example use:

Layout my_layout = Layout("a graph title"); // Default constructor Layout() also works

Axis *getAxis(const AxisDirection &dir, bool create = false)

get an axis in the layout by its direction. Optionally, create if not found.

Example use:

Layout my_layout = Layout("a graph title"); // Default constructor Layout() also works
axis = my_layout.getAxis(X); // raises error
axis = my_layout.getAxis(X, true); // creates the axis and adds it to the layout

  • dir:

void xTitle(const std::string label)

set the title of the x axis

  • label: the title of the axis. Can use latex within dollar signs, like “Normalised distance \$\eta\$”

void yTitle(const std::string label)

set the title of the y axis

  • label: the title of the axis. Can use latex within dollar signs, like “Normalised distance \$\eta\$”

void zTitle(const std::string label)

set the title of the z axis

  • label: the title of the axis. Can use latex within dollar signs, like “Normalised distance \$\eta\$”

void xLog()

change the type of the x axis from its default, ‘linear’, to ‘log’

void yLog()

change the type of the y axis from its default, ‘linear’, to ‘log’

void zLog()

change the type of the z axis from its default, ‘linear’, to ‘log’

Protected Attributes

std::vector<Axis> axes
std::string title
bool is_scene


void to_json(nlohmann::json &j, const Layout &p)

Serialise layout into a valid json string.